The Center for Economic Diplomacy Studies was founded in 2007. Its first director was Wu Jianmin, the former president of CFAU and former ambassador to France. The present director is Professor Liu Shuguang.
Most of the researchers in the center come from the School of International Economics. The center is the chief organizer of the research in economic diplomacy. It concentrates on the study of economic diplomacy and has organized many high-level lectures and seminars. The center has set up many related courses, such as China’s foreign economic relations and economic diplomacy.
Economic diplomacy is an interdisciplinary research topic based upon theories of international economics, the need for theoretical guidance in diplomacy and international relations, and should be studied in accordance with the contemporary situation of China and the world. Economic diplomacy contains comprehensive themes such as:
A. To establish theoretical systems of economic diplomacy with Chinese features.
B. To study China’s foreign economic relations and strategies from the perspective of the international political economy.
C. To study China’s strategies for participating in global governance and multilateral economic cooperation.
D. To study related major issues, such as energy security and diplomacy, international cooperation against global warming, international financial coordination, etc.
E. To explore how to execute the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.
Professor Jiang Ruiping, vice president of CFAU.
Professor Zhang Youwen, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
Professor Zhou Yongsheng, Institute of International Relations, CFAU.
Professor Liu Shuguang, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Professor Zhu Caihua, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Professor Fan Ying, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Professor. Ou Minggang, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Professor Yang Li, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Professor Xu Mei, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Professor Hu Zaiyong, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Zhang Cuizhen, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Zhang Huilian, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Yan Shigang, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Cui Shaozhong, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Guo Hongyu, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Feng Xingyan, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Deng Xin, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Associate Professor Cao Shengyu, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Assistant Researcher Li Li, CFAU.
Assistant Professor Yang Guang, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Assistant Professor Fu Shaojun, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Assistant Professor He Min, School of International Economics, CFAU
Assistant Professor. Li Feng, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Assistant Professor Mao Yufeng, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Assistant Professor. Zhang Luchao, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Assistant Professor Huang Yanjun, School of International Economics, CFAU.
Academic Publications
“Is Sino-USA Economic Relation Double-Win or Zero-Sum? Perspective of New Great Power Relations,” 2015. editor-in-chief: YingWu, Liu Shuguang.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2014)” editor-in-chief: Zhao Jinjun, associate editors: Jiang Ruiping & Liu Shuguang, May, 2014.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2013)” editor-in-chief: Zhao Jinjun, associate editors: Jiang Ruiping & Liu Shuguang, May, 2013.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2012)” editor-in-chief: Zhao Jinjun, associate editors: Jiang Ruiping & Liu Shuguang, May, 2012.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2011)” editor-in-chief: Zhao Jinjun, associate editors: Jiang Ruiping & Liu Shuguang, April, 2011.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2010)”, editor-in-chief: Zhao Jinjun, associate editors: Jiang Ruiping & Liu Shuguang, May, 2010.
“Research on China’s Economic Diplomacy (2009)” editor-in-chief: Liu Shuguang, February 2009.
Lists of academic papers can be found in the teachers’ curriculum vitaes at the website of the School of International Economics, CFAU.
Academic Updates
Professor Liu Shuguang visited the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael',January 2015.
Professor Liu Shuguang led the investigation team into Kenya and Zambia, June 2012.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2012)” was issued, May 2012.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2011)” was issued, April 2011.
Professor Carsten Herrmann-Pillath of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management was invited to present a lecture, December 2010.
“China’s Economic Diplomacy: an Annual Report (2010)” was issued, May 2010.
“Research on China’s Economic Diplomacy” was issued, February 2009.
The First China’s Economic Diplomacy Seminar was held, March, 2008.
The First Economic Forum was held, December 2007.